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(The Role of Financial Management (Chapter 1

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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “(The Role of Financial Management (Chapter 1”

(The Role of Financial Management (Chapter 1

اسلاید 1: Chapter 1The Role of Financial Management© 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management, 11/eCreated by: Gregory A. Kuhlemeyer, Ph.D.Carroll College, Waukesha, WI

اسلاید 2: The Role of Financial ManagementWhat is Financial Management?The Goal of the FirmOrganization of the Financial Management Function

اسلاید 3: What is Financial Management?Concerns the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.

اسلاید 4: Investment DecisionsWhat is the optimal firm size?What specific assets should be acquired?What assets (if any) should be reduced or eliminated?Most important of the three decisions.

اسلاید 5: Financing DecisionsWhat is the best type of financing? What is the best financing mix?What is the best dividend policy?How will the funds be physically acquired?Determine how the assets (LHS of balance sheet) will be financed (RHS of balance sheet).

اسلاید 6: Asset Management DecisionsHow do we manage existing assets efficiently?Financial Manager has varying degrees of operating responsibility over assets.Greater emphasis on current asset management than fixed asset management.

اسلاید 7: What is the Goal of the Firm?Maximization of Shareholder Wealth!Value creation occurs when we maximize the share price for current shareholders.

اسلاید 8: Shortcomings of Alternative PerspectivesCould increase current profits while harming firm (e.g., defer maintenance, issue common stock to buy T-bills, etc.).Ignores changes in the risk level of the firm.Profit MaximizationMaximizing a firm’s earnings after taxes.Problems

اسلاید 9: Shortcomings of Alternative PerspectivesDoes not specify timing or duration of expected returns.Ignores changes in the risk level of the firm.Calls for a zero payout dividend policy.Earnings per Share MaximizationMaximizing earnings after taxes divided by shares outstanding.Problems

اسلاید 10: Strengths of Shareholder Wealth MaximizationTakes account of: current and future profits and EPS; the timing, duration, and risk of profits and EPS; dividend policy; and all other relevant factors.Thus, share price serves as a barometer for business performance.

اسلاید 11: The Modern CorporationThere exists a SEPARATION between owners and managers.Modern CorporationShareholdersManagement

اسلاید 12: Role of ManagementAn agent is an individual authorized by another person, called the principal, to act in the latter’s behalf.Management acts as an agent for the owners (shareholders) of the firm.

اسلاید 13: Agency TheoryAgency Theory is a branch of economics relating to the behavior of principals and their agents.Jensen and Meckling developed a theory of the firm based on agency theory.

اسلاید 14: Agency TheoryIncentives include stock options, perquisites, and bonuses.Principals must provide incentives so that management acts in the principals’ best interests and then monitor results.

اسلاید 15: Social ResponsibilityWealth maximization does not preclude the firm from being socially responsible.Assume we view the firm as producing both private and social goods. Then shareholder wealth maximization remains the appropriate goal in governing the firm.

اسلاید 16: Organization of the Financial Management Function Board of DirectorsPresident(Chief Executive Officer)Vice PresidentOperationsVice PresidentMarketingVP ofFinance

اسلاید 17: TreasurerCapital BudgetingCash ManagementCredit ManagementDividend DisbursementFin Analysis/PlanningPension ManagementInsurance/Risk MngmtTax Analysis/PlanningOrganization of the Financial Management Function VP of FinanceControllerCost AccountingCost ManagementData ProcessingGeneral LedgerGovernment ReportingInternal ControlPreparing Fin StmtsPreparing BudgetsPreparing Forecasts

اسلاید 18: Texas Instruments BAII+Integrated throughout the chaptersA useful financial toolDoes NOT replace financial understanding

اسلاید 19: Change Display SettingChange the decimal places displayed from “2” to “Floating”Press:2nd Format 9ENTER2nd QUIT

اسلاید 20: Change Periods per Year SettingChange the periods per year from “12” to “1”Press:2nd P/Y 1ENTER2nd QUIT

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